
The about page. Possibly the hardest part of a blog to write! How to sum up everything you want this little corner of the internet to be without boring the socks of your readers off. So here we go…

Hi, I’m Emma! Creeping ever closer to 30 (despite my baby face), I’m a stationery addict, living just outside of London in leafy Hertfordshire.


White Alba Papers started to bring together a number of areas that I was finally learning bring me, and many others, joy: blooming beautiful stationery, creating art, and keeping in touch with friends near and far.

Lavender (2)

If you delve into the blog you’re sure to find endless stationery that will make you itching to head to your nearest stationery shop with a bag the size of a small child. I’m also a big fan of sending snail mail (who doesn’t love a beautifully crafted letter landing on your welcome mat when the postie calls?!) so there’ll be a fair bit of that popping up too.

From time to time you may find me talking about slow living. If you’ve never heard of it let me explain: its a way of life that focuses on slowing down, choosing simple changes that make us focus on the here and now and appreciating all the beautiful moments in our crazy lifestyles. Working in London I’m constantly surrounded by people who are constantly rushing around, thinking time is money and competing to get the next promotion, without ever stopping and admiring the moments they’re missing. It makes me feel sane in this crazy world and from time to time I may not be able to help myself but overshare this with you. Hey, maybe you’ll catch the slow living bug!

Derwent water

You can also find me on Instagram and I’m slowly building an Etsy shop. Feel free to contact me at whitealbapapers@gmail.com. I really hope you enjoy the blog!

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